【句子解析】本句话出自2021年国务委员兼外交部长王毅答记者问时的回答,在第一句话中,“抗疫外交”是翻译的重点,在翻译时我们要将这四个字的内在涵义表述完整,即“在外交战线上对新冠病毒的抵抗”,因此可以翻译为“the fight against COVID-19 on the diplomatic front”;第二句话中“守望相助”可以理解为“与世界上其他国家并肩作战, 即在这场共同的战役中我们彼此站在一起”,翻译为“stand with the rest of the world in a joint fight”;“开展了……行动和做出了……贡献”可以翻译成分词短语的形式,充当结果状语。
【参考译文】Over the last year, the most demanding is the fight against COVID-19 on the diplomatic front. We did our utmost to facilitate the domestic COVID response and stood with the rest of the world in a joint fight, carrying out the largest emergency humanitarian operations since the founding of New China and making China’s contribution to the global response.
【句子解析】本句话同样出自王毅部长的回答,句子表述掷地有声,非常坚定。第一句中的“霸权霸道霸凌”,可以用这三个词来进行表述“hegemony, highhandedness and bullying”。在对第二句进行中译英的翻译时,为了保证话语的客观性,可以通过被动语态的形式来表现,特别是第二句的前两个部分在中文表述中句式一样,所以我们在翻译的时候也要注意到这一点。“不容侵犯”翻译为“is not to be infringed upon”,“不容诋毁”翻译为“is not to be trifled with”。
【参考译文】 We stood firm against hegemony, highhandedness and bullying, and rejected outright interference in China’s domestic affairs. China’s sovereignty is not to be infringed upon, and the dignity of the Chinese nation is not to be trifled with. The legitimate rights of the Chinese people shall be upheld.